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公司名称: 小松(中国)投资有限公司
展位号: 室内:N202;室外:
地址: 上海市浦东新区金科路2889弄长泰广场6号办公楼E座2F
地址(英文): Komatsu(China) Ltd
邮政编码: 201203
传真: 021-68410250
网址: www.komatsu.com.cn
展品范围: 1.1挖掘机;1.2装载机;1.3平地机;1.4推土机;1.5挖掘装载机;
企业简介: 小松(中国)投资有限公司是小松集团设立的中国地区总部,成立于2001年2月,注册资本13500万美元,公司总部位于上海市浦东新区。公司秉承小松集团面向全球的发展战略思想,将“质量与信赖”作为公司最重要的经营理念。作为小松集团在中国的重要战略总部,公司成立后即整合了小松集团在中国地区的销售和服务网络,迄今已先后在全国范围内设立了3个地区办事处、33个代理店,实现了销售服务全覆盖。小松(中国)地区办事处负责协助各省、市、自治区的小松代理店进行整机销售、服务及零配件供应等相关业务,以便更好地服务于广大的小松用户;同时,小松代理店的销售与服务则紧贴用户,确保用户能够在最短的距离内购买到具有卓越品质的小松产品、享受到小松的卓越服务,为用户提供更及时、更便利、更周到、更舒适的购机与使用体验。 Komatsu (China) investment co., LTD. Is a komatsu group set up headquarters in China, was established in February 2001, the registered capital of $135 million, the company headquarters is located in Shanghai pudong new area of the company adhering to the komatsu group globally oriented development strategic thinking, quality and trust as the company's most important business ideas as important strategy in China headquarters, komatsu group company after the establishment of the integration of the komatsu group in China sales and service network, has successively set up three regional offices across the country 33 factorial, realizing a complete coverage of the sales and service Komatsu (China) regional office is responsible for assisting komatsu agents in all provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions to carry out the whole machine sales service and spare parts supply and other related businesses, so as to better serve the majority of komatsu users; At the same time, komatsu agency sales and services are close to users, to ensure that users can buy komatsu products with excellent quality in the shortest distance to enjoy komatsu's excellent service, to provide users with more timely, more convenient, more thoughtful and more comfortable purchase and use experience