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Company Name: Shaanxi Tonly Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd.
Booth No: Indoor:;outdoor:
Address: 陕西省西咸新区沣东新城创新二路007号
Zip Code: 712000
Fax: 029-38001213
Website: www.sntonly.com
Exhibits: 1.1挖掘机;1.2装载机;1.8非公路自卸车;2.1.1汽车起重机;3.1压路机;5.4混凝土搅拌运输车;
Company Introduction: 陕西同力重工股份有限公司简介 Brief introduction of Shaanxi Tonly Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. 陕西同力重工股份有限公司(以下简称同力重工)是专业生产非公路运输设备的高新技术企业,是行业的开创者和领军企业,是行业标准的制定单位,是国内最具实力的非公路运输设备生产企业。 Shaanxi Tonly Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Tonly) is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the production of off-road transportation equipment. Tonly is the pioneer and leading enterprise of the industry, the formulation unit of industry standards, and the most powerful manufacturer of off-road transportation equipment in China. 同力重工经过十多年专业积累现已形成非公路宽体自卸车、矿用自卸车、井巷运输设备及非公路特种运输设备等四大业务板块,并形成燃油驱动、燃气驱动、纯电驱动、无人驾驶等产品系列。产品在智能化、信息化前沿技术的开发和应用方面处于行业领先地位。产品广泛应用于国内外各类矿山、水电工地、大型工程等领域,市场保有量及客户品牌关注度遥遥领先。 After sixteen years of professional accumulation, Tonly has formed four major business segments, including off-road wide-body dump trucks, mining dump trucks, tunnel transportation equipment and off-road special transportation equipment which formation of fuel - driven, gas - driven, pure electric drive, unmanned driving and other products series. The products are in the leading position in the development and application of intelligent and informatized cutting-edge technologies. Products are widely used in various fields at domestic and abroad, such as mines, hydropower sites, large projects and other fields, etc. The market share and customer brand attention are far ahead.
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