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Company Name: LOXA Co., Ltd.
Booth No: Indoor:;outdoor:N212
Address: 安徽省安庆市经开区孵化园皖江高科B4栋
Zip Code: 246001
Website: http://www.fotonloxa.com
Exhibits: 5.4混凝土搅拌运输车;5.7臂架式混凝土泵车;8.1环卫机械;8.1.1扫路车;8.1.3清洗车;8.1.7垃圾车;8.1.8 垃圾处理设备;11.1高空作业车;11.2高空作业平台;18.1卡车、拖车、牵引车、自卸车;18.3箱式汽车;18.6其他专用车;
Company Introduction: 福田雷萨股份公司(简称:福田雷萨)是福田汽车旗下的工程机械和专用车业务版块,在京、冀、鲁、湘、皖、豫等多省市拥有高端智能制造整车和零部件基地,拥有完善的营销市场和服务网络,是中国工程机械+专用车行业自主品牌和自主创新的中坚力量。目前福田雷萨旗下拥有雷萨重机、福田普罗科、专用车、安达智慧物流、泰达信金融、希锐科技、戴安美医疗科技等业务品牌。 Foton Loxa Co., Ltd. (Foton Loxa) is a construction machinery and special purpose vehicle (SPV) business sector of Foton Motor, with high-end and intelligent manufacturing bases of vehicle and parts in Beijing, Hebei, Shandong, Hunan, Anhui, Henan. Boasting a fully-fledged marketing and service network, Foton Loxa is a backbone of proprietary brands and independent innovation in China construction machinery and SPV industry. Foton Loxa owns business brands such as Loxa Machinery, Foton Brock, SPV business, Anda Intelligent Logistics, Taidaxin Finance, Xirui Technology and Daianmei Medical Technology.
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